Monday, June 13, 2011

Beautiful Apothocarist

These days our whole home is full of the wonderful smell of roses.  "Window display" of finished rose water.

 Our lovely rose water apothocarist, not sure if thats a word!  She is standing next to the "distiller", which is just homemade, but works very scientifically!

The roses, before distilling, the bowl that catches the finished rose water sits on the brick.
Rose Water is good for your complexion, it disinfects bug bites, cuts and scrapes.  It sooths sun burn, (important when you are clear like me, and only tan lobster red), it's a gentle spray for baby rash, and smells lovely like the most natural perfume.

1 comment:

  1. When you say you use the hedge roses do you mean multiflora roses? Because we have lots of those just coming into bloom. We're a bit later than you due to higher elevation.
