Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wedding Bliss!

This is my SIL with my new BIL, my sweet hubbys sister was married on Friday. I was in the wedding, so I don't have any more pictures than this one that my daughter snapped. Below you can see the wedding present which was SO my style and offered with love, hopefully they can understand the love part, I know they won't be able to understand my style!

The pillow case is hand done and very old. The doiley is hand done, but not as old, the quilt squares are very old and they were my favorite. I used two old buttons for the zeros in 2010.

With the leftover pieces from the above wedding gift I made these luggage tags for their trip. Underneath you can see the muslin bags I stamped for the tags to go in, and for random small things for the trip. I love the word trip. I want to go on a trip!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE your wedding gift! So beautiful...and meaningful!
