Monday, April 25, 2011

Culture Shock and W.A.R.T.

 Joy came over for WART, look at our lovely daffodils!  We were putting together our best recipies and arting them.  Suggestion if you try this, plan lots of yummy food.  We were experiencing all sorts of cravings.  Thank you Blessing, for the delish sausage sandwiches!
Culture Shock!  Here is my hubby at the new place in Ithaca, NY.  We loved it.  They have a Kombucha Bar, and the food is vegan and organic, raw and CULTURED!  (get it?)  I had rocket man salad, yum.  Deans Jasmine Kombucha was SOOOO smooth.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That sounds AWESOME!!! Have to get there. I'm planning on acquiring a kombucha culture really soon!
