Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Lying Low

Thinking of tea, gypsy carts, bonfires.  Settling in for winter weather and sorting snow pants, mittens and coats for a family of Eleven.  (Extras went to NYcity for people affected by Sandy). That cleaned out some of our attic!
Not "feeling" low, but more lying low, and appreciating little things. No trouble coming up with a list of those. I love lists.

little dates with my handsome hubby,
little people eating snacks and wobbling around on little legs,
kittens named owl,
miniature squash and pumpkins decorating the tables here and at the B&B,
our little homeschool,
tiny pies made of leftover dough and baked in jar lids,
wooden animals and shapes that the little people are enjoying all over our,
little house,
the white dress that Blessing just "made over", of all
vintage- too little for me, but hanging where I can admire!
handmade cloth matryoshka dolls,
homemade Christmas giftmaking,
simple things, little things but
So many things to be thankful for

Leave a comment, for a thanksgiving giveaway, only today and tomorrow left until we pick a name out of a boot!


  1. This was lovely and for me, it was personal because I can picture the "littles" that you listed. So eager to see you soon. I don't get on here enough, but hopefully I'll do it more often from now on. Thanks for sharing. Your word pictures make me wish I lived closer so I could join in on the festivities.
    Love, Aunt Sallie

  2. Jenn,
    Your post is so lovely. Your list of things you're thankful for reminds me of Ann Voskamp.
    There are so many things to be thankful for...

    this moment
    knowing that God is enough
    hugs and kisses

    the list goes on....

  3. Lovely to read this knowing that I got the flu and we have to be alone for thanksgiving. It cheers the heart to be thankful in all things.

  4. Love your thankful list. Contented sigh.
