Sunday, September 13, 2009


I am using some driftwood in my lastest projects. How handy for me that

we live near the fingerlakes!!! Dean snapped this funny one of me on a driftwood collection date.

I visited the town, on lake Ontario where I grew up, last month, and am finding myself up to my elbows in projects with water themes. Hmmmmm.

We made fish for WART this week, they were, of course, from vintage fabric and vintage buttons, and of course they were stuffed with our sheeps own wool.

ON a very happy note, even though I am nowhere closer to getting my etsey shop to search well, since I still haven't met the Fairy godmother that is in charge of that wish, A customer came to me.

We met this great couple, I seriously think that we built our B&B cottage for them, and my new friend bought two of my goldfish. This, along with her kind compliments, regarding my ideas, has inspired me to finish writing the book proposal for my book. Here it goes, on Monday evening I will be typing away to convince some publisher that my book is new and people want it and will buy it. (They do, and it is a great book.)


  1. I LOVE driftwood, art made of driftwood...and I Love this photo!

  2. Driftwood has many miles of stories! Thank you for your kind comments. Looking for antique linens to send you. Photo is great! Keep writing!

    Fondly, Jere Lynn
