Monday, March 3, 2014

What we have been up to (copycat post)

My lovely sister Joy put up a post today, and it reminded me that I needed to try one more time to get the kinks out of my blogger account so I could post.
It worked!
Next post will be my first on the LOVE TOKENS theme. For now, I will just give you a list of what we've been up to.
1. Firewood, it's a cold winter (Above photo, getting wood with the horse)
2. Homeschooling. tons of fun, getting pretty close to amazing
3. Making a load of tinctures
4. Ordering potatoes, seeds and turkeys
5. cooking lots of yummy food for eleven people in the home, on 4 different diets!
6. Upward basketball, so much fun, and the best way to learn how to play
7. Spinning fiber into yarn and planning our market season
8. Lastly, we are getting ready for a wedding!
 The handmade invitations, by Blessing, above, and the happy couple, below!

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